Ice Wong (b. Hong Kong) is an artist currently based in Hong Kong and Zurich, working across installation, video, drawing and live art, particularly durational performance. Her practice utilises her body as the primary medium to observe and capture the passage of time, further examining life’s impermanence and vulnerability through creating a durational on-site experience.
Wong received a Bachelor's in Visual Arts from the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, in 2018. She is pursuing a Master of Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste), Switzerland. Her recent exhibitions include TRANSCENDING BODIES- Performances by DFA students (ZHdK x Hauser & Wirth, Switzerland, 2024), Performance Days 3.0 (Bacio Collective, Switzerland, 2023), Women at the End of the World (Art Basel HK x HKBU AVA, 2023), Post-Human Narratives—In the Name of Scientific Witchery (Para Site, Hong Kong, 2022), Noble Rot (Para Site, Hong Kong, 2022), and Per. Platform #3 (Per. Platform x Eaton HK, 2022). In 2021–2022, she was awarded a 2046 Fermentation + Fellowships grant by Para Site.
黃姬雪(生於香港),現旅居於香港和蘇黎世, 作品主要以裝置藝術、錄像、繪畫及以持續性展演為前提的現場藝術作為呈現。她將自身身體作為實踐的主要媒介,用第一身角度去觀察並捕捉時間的流逝,通過現場性和持續性的展演創作,探索生命的無常與脆弱。
黃氏於2018年取得香港浸會大學視覺藝術文學士(榮譽)。現於瑞士蘇黎世藝術大學(Zürcher Hochschule der Künste) 修讀純藝術碩士課程。近期展覽包括:「TRANSCENDING BODIES- Performances by DFA students 」(瑞士蘇黎世藝術大學x Hauser & Wirth,2024),「Performance Days 3.0 」(瑞士Bacio Collective,2023),「她們立於末世」(香港巴塞爾藝術展x 浸會大學視覺藝術院, 2023),「後人類敘事——以科學巫術之名」(香港Para Site,2022), 「貴腐」(香港Para Site,2022), 「Per. Platform #3」 (Per. Platform x Eaton HK, 2022)。 於2021至2022間獲得香港Para Site 藝術空間「2046醖釀獎助金」。
2023 (Ongoing)
Master of Arts ZHdK in Fine Arts, Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich, Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Arts, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
There's no beginning. There's no end. (Durational Performance), Post-Human Narratives (curated by Kobe KO Wing Lam), Hidden Space, Hong Kong
Shape of Air (w/ Jiaxi Han), Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland
Practicing Coexistence with Disasters (w/ Liv TSIM), MUM's NOT HOME, Hong Kong
ACT Performance Festival 2024, Zurich, Switzerland
«The Red. Herring», Condition Report (Artist's Bar at Cabaret Voltaire) (Performance), Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich, Switzerland
Transcending Bodies, performative event on occasion of the exhibition “Cathy Josefowitz”, Grace began to lose her soul under the blue sky.10x5=50. The Devil came special for you. (Performance), Hauser & Wirth, Zürich, Switzerland
Nature: A perception (curated by Birde Tang & Catherine Lau), Follow the flow and flow into the follow-on (Durational Performance), HART, Hong Kong
Fluid Voices (curated by Tong Yang, Phạm Nguyễn Anh Tú, as part of Saigon Experimental Film),
Video Documentation: Can I be heard like you listening to the light? (2023), Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Performance Days 3.0, Can I be heard like you listening to the light? (Durational Performance), Bacio Bern, Switzerland
DUMMY, Can I be heard like you listening to the light? (Durational Performance), Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland
LIQUID SKY, 1-minute Exercise: Look up high. Look down low. (Video, 01'00" in loop), Galata Museo del Mar, ARTISTI ITALIANI, Italy
Women at the End of the World, The Interweaving of You and I - Sowing (Living Installation), Art Basel HK x Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Post-Human Narratives— In the name of scientific witchery (curated by Kobe Ko Wing Lam),
That night, the echoes of Lisea’s song sounded across the ocean. (Installation), Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, Hong Kong
Per. Platform #3 (curated by Florence Lam and Juliana Chan), Group improvisation as part of "Fluidity and Impermanence" (Durational Performance), Tomorrow Maybe, Eaton HK, Hong Kong
Noble Rot, -less (Durational Performance), Para Site, Hong Kong
Post-Human Narratives– The Co-existing Land (curated by Kobe Ko Wing Lam),
The Interweaving of You and I (Living Installation & Happening), Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong
Breathe Deep, No one can stop the spoilage (Installation), Tomorrow Maybe at Eaton Hotel, Hong Kong
Youth Square- Artist in Residence Exhibition, T125 (Photography), Youth Square, Hong Kong
invisible, The best distance to appreciate the moon. (II) (Installation), Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Light Talks, Dropping (I) (Blown Glass Sculpture), Glass Art Exhibition for Chinese Higher Ed. Institutes, Guangzhou
Glass Resonance: HKBU AVA Glass Student Exhibition, Dropping (I) (Blown Glass Sculpture), Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau
Sau2, Script (Installation), Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Academy of Visual Arts BA Graduation Exhibition, The Moment (Durational Performance, Video installation), Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Performer for Ventriloquists' Stone 《幻石》by Nadim Abbas, Oil Street Art Space, Hong Kong
Performer for Transition 《過渡》 by Liv TSIM, Current Plans Hong Kong
Participant in Tilt and Level Performance Art Workshop by Florence Lam (performance artist), Hong Kong
Performer for One Afternoon by Tap Chan, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong
Performer for Genetic Salon- Waiting Room by YU Shuk Pui Bobby, Hong Kong
Teachers’ Morning and Teachers’ Workshop at Tai Kwun Contemporary- Performance Art Workshop for
Patricia Piccinini: HOPE Exhibition, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong
Commission project for Art Next Expo 2021, Rehearsal For Departure- To the day may inevitably come (Audio-guided Improvisation), Art Next, Hong Kong
Commission project for Pink and White Shower Art Bazaar (curated by nomad nomad), Wish we could meet again soon (Experiential Audio Walk), The Murray, Hong Kong
Workshop for The Dew (curated by Sheeta Ng), The Fluidity of Light (Lecture performance), HART, Hong Kong
Selected artist for 2046 Fermentation + Fellowships, Para Site, Hong Kong
Selected artist for stepbackforward.art(彳亍以行)Initiated by LEE Kai Chung and SHEN Jun, Hong Kong
Selected participant for Summer Institute 2019: Future Commons (seminar student groups with Martha Rosler and Ramon Amaro), Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong
Selected participant for Cycle Music & Art Lab Public Sharing (HK x Iceland), THE MODERN ACADEMY,
Hong Kong
2046 Fermentation + Fellowships, Para Site, Hong Kong
Things will Work Out Tomorrow- A Growing Collection of StepBackForward.art Methodologies, Hong Kong
Exhibition Catalogue, Academy of Visual Arts BA Graduation Exhibition, Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Paris, France
Paper Magazine/
ZETT, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) Biannual Magazine, Sep 2024
Paper Magazine/
Samwai LAM, "UP AND COMING- 此時此刻", 號外 City Magazine #565, Nov 2023
Podcast Interview/
Oscar Venhuis, "Ep.44 | Artist Ice Wong on Hong Kong’s art education, glass blowing, jumping from a cabinet, and adopting sunflowers.", The Last Supper - Art in Asia (Hong Kong Art Gallery Association), 5 Feb 2023
Online Article/
Pamela WONG, “Post-Human Narratives: In the Name of Scientific Witchery”, ArtAsiaPacific, 9 Sep 2022
Online Article/
The Editors of ArtAsiaPacific, "Performance Art for All at Per.Platform", ArtAsiaPacific, 5 Sep 2022
Online Article/
Benedetta Spagnuolo, "Post-Human Narratives | In the Name of Scientific Witchery" , Juliet Art Magazine, 24 Aug 2022
Paper Magazine/
Hoiyin WONG, "EYES BEYOND THE SHELL 後人類的審視", ELLE HK, Sep 2022
Online Article/
黃桂桂, "【文藝Follow Me】「後人類敘事:以科學巫術之名」展覽 探索邊界中模糊的可能性 " , 虛詞p-articles, 13 Aug 2022
Online Article/
Sirius CHAN, "黃姬雪|以接受無力作為抵抗", 島聚 daoju, 13 May 2022
Online Article/
Suining SIM, " WHO IS CYBORG? EXAMINING “POST-HUMAN NARRATIVES” ", ArtAsiaPacific, 20 Oct 2021
Paper Magazine/
小丁, "我們的聚居地", 明周文化 Ming Pao Weekly #Issue 2756, 12 Sep 2021
Online Article/
忤尚, “ 一次柔軟的嘗試:專訪牛棚「後人類敘事——共存之地」展覽 9 位藝術家”, 虛詞p-articles, 2 Sep 2021
Online Article/
Jeff KWONG, “演練未來?”, Barren Rock Aesthetics, 20 Aug 2021
Online Article/
小東, “FROM IT TO WE,從個體出走的共存可能:觀「後人類敘事──共存之地」”, 微批Paratext, 19 Aug 2021
Online Newspaper/
Enid TSUI, “Gruelling performance art, sinister photography… and silkworms: the end of human dominance imagined at Hong Kong’s Cattle Depot Artist Village”, South China Morning Post, 5 Aig 2021
Paper Magazine/
Ahy CHOI & Peter WONG, “Hidden Treasures”, VOGUE Hong Kong, April 2021
Paper Magazine/
Samwai LAM, “我們都是賽伯格”, Ming’s Hong Kong #Issue 080, April 2021
Online Article/
阿三 CHAN Sai Lok, "【世界隨意門.藝文開箱】後人類策展處境 ", Standnews, 5 Jan 2021
Podcast Interview/
阿三 CHAN Sai Lok x 葉泳詩 x Kobe KO x Ice WONG,「世界隨意門.藝文開箱」#18 , 新城電台 資訊台 MetroInfo Radio FM99.7, 30 Dec 2020
Online Newspaper/
Enid TSUI, “Belgian artist Francis Alÿs confronts us-and-them mentality in Hong Kong exhibition that focuses on migration”, SCMP, 29 Oct 2020
Digital Magazine/
“Review of AVA BA Grad Show 2017”, AVA Magazine #6, June 2017